My Tech Internship

Navigating the 9-to-5

I’m nearing the end of my internship with Square as an Electrical Engineering Intern. This summer has been quite an adventure, and a whole different world from life at Mudd. Here are some of my key takeaways: Asking real people for help is the best way to clear confusion and... [Read More]

My Brexit from California

Adjusting to life in London

Upon arriving in London at the beginning of the year, I quickly became enchanted with the city. From the adorable kids with their British accents to the incredible skyline seen from almost any building throughout the city, London had just about everything I was looking for in an abroad experience.... [Read More]

Hello World

Welcome to my website

I’m happy that you’re here! I spontaneously decided to make a website to document my projects and experiences. Please feel free to explore using the tabs at the upper right of the page. Let me know if you have any questions or want to reach out!
Tags: personal